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就像其上一代產品一樣,VigRX Plus™ 偉哥(威而鋼)升級版 有助於消除男士們的頭號恐懼 - 陰莖尺寸不夠大。

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威而鋼升級版 VigrxPlus 如何增強男士性能力

美國偉哥(威而鋼升級版) VigrxPlus 如何增強男士性能力?

陰莖由三個分開圓筒組成。二個大的部份圓筒成 對,醫學上稱它們為“陰莖海綿主体”(Corpora Cavernosa)在一個男人的勃起后引起陰莖海綿体的充血,創造直立的堅硬。陰莖海綿主体的能力在醒极限直立長充各厚度期間充血,這种性功能會隨年及工作壓 力而減退。 當男性性興奮時,大腦或脊椎神經中樞傳達勃起的訊息, 將『勃起傳導素』作用至陰莖空腔海綿体, 引起動脈擴張, 血壓上升, 約兩百毫升的血液進入陰莖空腔海綿体內, 進而壓迫到靜脈, 使血液回流困難因而造成了持續的勃起。陰莖在勃起時由三個充滿血液的空腔海綿体組成,這三個海綿体空腔行使了陰莖勃起組織的功能,而龜頭和尿道海綿体為勃起提供了体積,一對陰莖海綿体為勃起提供了硬度。



偉哥威而鋼升級版 VigrxPlus

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VigrxPlus enhance Viagra how it works

How the enhanced Viagra VigrxPlus male enhancement pill works?

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Viagra enhanced VigrxPlus work in combination to specifically enhance:
- Circulation to the Genitals.
- Growth Stimulation.
- Virility and Sexual Stamina.

With VigRX™, this perfect balance is achieved - and what this means for you is a larger penis when you are aroused with greater erection capacity and longer-lasting sexual performance.

What's in VigRX™, and how does it work?
VigRX™ includes scientifically tested, potent aphrodisiac herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America that successfully stimulate sexual activity, maintain a firm erection and increase sexual pleasure.

VigRX™ promotes peripheral tissue vasodilation to improve arterial erectile function. It has a direct effect on the endothelial cell which enhances blood flow of both penile arteries and veins without any change in the systemic blood pressure. VigRX™ has the ability to relax and tonify the nervous system, which is necessary to deal fully with psychological stressors present.
Simply take one VigRX™ pill two times per day to maintain these effects in your system.

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VigRX™ is a safe, proprietary selection of special herbs renowned for their special properties and blended in a powerfully effective combination. Gathered from around the globe, they include:

• Epimedium Leaf ExtractEpimedium was discovered in 200 BC. Legend has it that an ancient Chinese goat herder noticed that his flock suddenly became sexually active after grazing in a certain patch of weed. The Chinese consider Epimedium to be the premier libido lifter for men. It is also reputed to have a testosterone effect, to stimulate the sensory nerves and restore sexual desire. After centuries of use in China, top medical doctors now report that Epimedium can be used to boost libido, improve erectile function, restore sexual power and increase sensation. Scientifically, Epimedium works by freeing up testosterone, which naturally increases sex drive and endurance.

• Cuscuta Seed ExtractCuscuta is frequently used in long-term tonic programs, most commonly to strengthen the uro-genital functions. It is used to treat premature ejaculation, frequent urination and leukorrhea as well as aching lower back, symptoms that often accompany deficient kidney conditions which cause sexual weakness. Cuscuta seed is also widely used to nourish the sperm and marrow and strengthen sinews of the sexual organs. It is used to increase fertility in both men and women, and is listed as an aphrodisiac in all traditional Chinese pharmacopoeias.

• Ginko Biloba LeafFor over 5,000 years, Ginkgo has been prescribed in Chinese herbal medicine. In the last 30 years, more that 300 studies have given clinical evidence that Ginkgo prevents and benefits many problems throughout the entire body. Ginkgo is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory because of its positive effects on the vascular system, especially in the cerebellum. Ginkgo improves peripheral circulation, oxygenation, and increases blood flow to the genitals to improve sexual function and the power of an erection. In a recent scientific study, 78% of men with non-medically caused impotence problems reported significant improvement - significantly, with no side effects.

Ginkgo has been shown to be nutritional support for mental alertness, enhanced vitality level, circulatory health and blood vessel health. Note that its high antioxidant activity is valuable for fighting age-related conditions. Ginkgo may help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy.

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• Asian Red Ginseng - Panax GinsengGinseng is traditionally used to overcome general weakness and deliver extra energy. It also has aphrodisiacal powers. Used to combat non medically caused impotence, and premature ejaculation, Ginseng helps normalize blood pressure while rejuvenating and revitalizing the body. It also promotes the growth of nerve tissue. A key ingredient of Ginseng is ginsenoside, which alters blood flow to the brain and penis and can build blood and sperm. Russian scientists have reported and recorded that Ginseng stimulates both physical and mental activity, enhances athletic performance and has a positive effect on the sex glands.

• Saw Palmetto Berry - Fructus SerenoaeNative Americans and early American settlers used Saw Palmetto to treat problems associated with the genitals, urinary tract and reproductive system. This herb is called the "plant catheter" due to its therapeutic effect on the neck of the bladder and the prostate in men. Saw Palmetto is widely used in Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and the U.S. for nutritionally benefiting the prostate and urinary tract. Saw Palmetto is a tonic, and is one of the few herbal remedies that are considered to be anabolic -- strengthening and building body tissues. The Saw Palmetto berries have long held a reputation as sexual stimulants and aphrodisiacs. Their largest use today is as a supplement for reducing enlarged prostate glands, treating urinary tract problems and for improving body strength.
Saw Palmetto has shown significant action in treatment of conditions associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Saw Palmetto extract works to prevent testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, the hormone thought to cause prostrate cells to multiply which leads to an enlarged prostate.

Saw Palmetto inhibits androgen and estrogen receptor activity and may be beneficial for both sexes in balancing the hormones. Because of its hormonal effects, Saw Palmetto can aid the thyroid in regulating sexual development and normalizing activity of those glands and organs.

• Muira Pauma Bark Extract Muria Puama is an herb from a shrub native to Brazil, otherwise known as "Potency Wood". Both verbal and written historical records show that Muria Puama helps with lack of sexual desire and the difficulty to maintain erection. Muria Puama is used to restore sexual virility and to treat genital weakness "of intent", meaning the strength associated with sexual desire and potency in men.

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The textbook Specific Indications for Herbs in General Use, published by the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, lists benefits of Muria Puama to these specific body systems:
Improvement in reproductive system function, adrenal stress, cardiovascular system function, central nervous system activity, renal activity, and thyroid stress.
Recent clinical studies further validate the potency of Muria Puama.

• Catuaba Bark ExtractCatuaba has a long history in herbal medicine as a male 'strengthener' and aphrodisiac. The Tupi Indians in Brazil first discovered the qualities of the Catuaba plant and over the last centuries, have composed many songs praising its wonders. Indigenous people and local people have used Catuaba for generations and it is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiaca plants. In the state of Minas there is a saying which goes, "Until a father reaches 60, the son is his, after that the son is Catuaba's." According to Dr. Meira Penna, Catuaba "functions as a stimulant of the nervous system, above all when one deals with functional impotence of the male genital organs... it is an innocent aphrodisiac, used without any ill effects at all."

In Brazilian herbal medicine today, Catuaba is regarded as an aphrodisiac with "proven efficacy." Herbalists and health practitioners in the United States use Catuaba regularly as a tonic for genital function, as a central nervous system stimulant, and for treatment of sexual non medically caused impotence. According to Michael van Straten, noted British author and researcher of medicinal plants, Catuaba is beneficial to both men and women as an aphrodisiac, but "it is in the area of male impotence that the most striking results have been reported" and "there is no evidence of side effects, even after long-term use."

• Hawthorn Berry - Fructus CrataegiThis phytochemical, with exceptional preventive capacities, comes from the hawthorn tree. Hawthorn is rich in bioflavonoids, which relax and dilate the arteries. These compounds are powerful antioxidants that help increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. This reduces the work required by the heart to circulate blood, and in- turn this reduces blood pressure and stress to the heart muscle. The bioflavonoid substances in Hawthorn give strength to the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow to other areas of the body. Components in Hawthorn have also been shown to lower cholesterol, and the amount of plaque in arteries.

Officially approved for pharmaceutical use in Germany, government studies show the Hawthorn plant to be completely free of any side effects. European studies have shown that the Hawthorn botanical increases blood flow to the heart and brain, protects the heart from irregular beats, enhances the strength of the heart's contractions, and mildly lowers blood pressure.
All these ingredients go to work directly within the male genitalia, with effects on hormonal levels, blood flow and the responsive cells of the penis.

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